Sunday, November 1, 2009

Late Night Cravings

College has really messed with my mind. I sleep at odd times of the night. I constantly live in a state of stress. But most of all, I have the strangest cravings. I do not know if it is because of the the huge amount of food that is around campus, or if its just because I am at college, but nowadays I have the strangest cravings, and the later it gets the stranger they get. For instance, Saturday around I ate the "mystery meal" from Britain. Around ten the first craving struck. I had to eat some chocolate and vanilla swirl pudding, and after perusing through my fridge I found the pudding!!! About eleven I was ambushed by applesauce, and again I vanquished said craving. But then at about three thirty in the morning I was attacked by the mack-daddy of all cravings........Wingnuts. The only problem was Wingnuts was not open at three-thirty in the morning. I had fought the craving, but I finally succumbed to its power.


  1. It's interesting how I always get hungry at 10:30--right after Brittan closes. It's interesting how, now that I've come to college, food is always a break from studies. I just need to not eat too much!

  2. My roommate actually has these kinds of weird cravings. We call them her pregnancy cravings even though she's not pregnant. She craves things like pickles and pringles though.

  3. Speaking of weird sleeping times. I have taken four naps in the last two days...haha. I cant help it, im always so tired with school and everything else.
