Sunday, November 15, 2009

Double Take

Reading "In Defense of Food" has been quite an adventure. At first, I picked the book and I questioned the cover, very intrigued by it I went on to read the Eater's Manifesto. I got through all 58 pages (for the first assignment) and was very disatisfied. Too many facts, statistics and references. I was overwhelm by it. But I decided to give it a second chance. I read the first 58 pages again and continue on to the next assignment which was to read to page 106. The experience was completely different, I found myself wanting more from it, wanting to know what he would formulate by the end of the book. I think the change of heart was due to the fact that I took more time to read it the second time. I definitely recommend taking time and effort in reading this book. It is very overwhelming but take a second look and it unravels in front of you.


  1. There's just so much information in this book.I felt the same way as you did when I started reading it. I am hoping that by the end I will appreciate Michael Pollan's argument more.

  2. At first i liked his style, but the data overload is slightly daunting. Being a nutrient fan myself, he has a little bit more arguing to do before he convinces me to join the side of slow food.

    In twenty years all the poor folk are going to be eating chemical pastes for food.
