Sunday, November 15, 2009


This weekend I went up to Duke for the game with a group of guys from my fraternity. We have a chapter at Duke, so we went up Friday, hung out with them and stayed at their dorm (fraternities at Duke are not allowed to have houses, but each is given a wing of a dorm), then went to the game and got back today.

On Duke's campus is a McDonald's that is confirmed as the speediest McDonald's on the East Coast. The average time from placing an order to being handed the tray is 29 seconds. Personally, I ordered a double quarter pounder with cheese, medium fry, and an Oreo McFlurry, and I got my food before the credit card machine processed my credit card. It was definitely an experience, and a sharp contrast to the McDonald's in my home town that is usually staffed by three people (one of whom must always be texting, apparently), and wait times are sometimes upwards of several minutes.

Now, to be fair, they did cut some corners. First of all, they only use one register, so I'm not sure if they make up for the added time that you wait in line or not. Also, everything is a bit more expensive (to hire extra workers, I assume). For example, the dollar menu at most places is the "dollar thirty-nine menu" here. So eating there on a weekly basis could start to add up (it's the only on-campus dining open 24 hours, and there is very little off-campus - Duke isn't in a large city). But for one trip (actually, it was more like three) it was worth the cost to experience it. And besides, it was a lot cheaper than Wingnuts.


  1. It been a while since I have actually been to McDonalds and it sounds pretty good right now. How many people do you think they had behind the counter?

  2. I like the different observations you made about things they may have cut back on. I think I would visit this McDonalds atleast once just to see the speed of receiving my order, even though I'm not a huge fan of this food. It may be much cheaper than Wingnuts, but the quality of food is pretty poor in comparison.

  3. @Coye: I think they had maybe 5 or 6 people in the back making stuff, three people up front doing the McFlurries, drinks, fries, etc., and one person that manned the cash register.

    @Nabila: I agree, Wingnuts is much better than McDonald's. After eating there for the second time in about 12 hours I was so sick of that food that the third time I just got a drink. Prior to Friday night (technically Saturday morning) I hadn't eaten McDonald's since I graduated from high school.

  4. @Nabila -- I would definitely go there to see the speed and efficiency!

    @John -- That is how I feel about Brittain--some days I just feel like skipping meals because I just don't want to eat the same Brittain food.

  5. I have not yet had a chance to have McDonals in the US yet. But from previous experience I can tell that the food there will be good as always. Atleast I hope so.

  6. That sounds really cool. It's kind of unfortunate that McDonald's is the only place open 24 hours though. I stayed on a campus that had a McDonald's like that during a summer program in 2004. Let's just say I was NOT the healthiest eater on campus.
