Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Restaurant Review Sites

As I began to explore the different sites for restaurant reviews, I was not entirely sure what to look for. However, as soon as I looked at http://yelp.com, I realized what a restaurant review website should look like. I loved how the cities were available to click on, and I didn't have to search all over to find Atlanta. Also, I could choose my type of food- Italian, Mexican, etc., instead of having to read through tons of blogposts to see a restaurant I was hoping for. My favorite part about this website was definitely the fact that I got to read about restaurants I have been to, and restaurants where I would like to go in the future. I read about Vini Vedi Vici, my parent's favorite restaurant, and Bacchanalia, a place where I now want to eat.

The other two websites were not nearly as accessible and organized. The Atlanta Foodies Blog was my least favorite. I hated having to attempt to navigate the foreign site and being forced to scroll through blogs. Also, there was not really an organization and coherency to the site- everything seemed to be jumbled up and thrown into the same blog. It lacked consistency.

The Tasting Menu site was alright, but my disappointment due to the lack of Atlanta restaurants made it difficult to read. I don't really care about Seattle or Washington D.C. After scrolling through some other cities I had been to and eaten in, I was a little more interested. The organization was much better than the Atlanta Foodies site. I wish the author of this site had put a little synopsis of each restaurant next to the listing, as opposed to lumping them into categories of "Restaurants I Love/Like/Have Been To."

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