Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lowfat and Candy?

My first impression of Candy was it's meticulous step by step explanations of how to make different candies, complete with very helpful pictures. In one example, they showed how to make caramel, and each of the eight stages it goes through before becoming dark-caramel. Never before have I encountered such a fascinating cookbook! It is so detailed and helpful that I could have gotten carried away and spent the next hour reading it, but unfortunately I cannot enjoy such leisure. 

The second cookbook I went through was The 10% Lowfat Cookbook, which was centered around foods that get ten percent or less of their calories from fat. Unlike Candy, it was online. One would imagine that using the internet as your medium would allow more images and possibly even videos, but surprisingly it didn't have any photographs, but merely basic one color drawings occasionally gracing the face of a recipe, adding nothing to the cookbook. However, it was fairly easy to navigate, with the standard expandable table of contents in a tray on the left. It contained more recipes that I would see myself making, though I'm not confident that they would turn out as good as those from Candy's cookbook. 

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