Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hell's Kitchen

Episode six, season eight was the first full episode of Hell's Kitchen I have ever seen. Chef Ramsey is really scary. The show reminded me of America's Next Top Model with the way it was structured. The contestants are all living in a house together and there's a whole lot of drama. The show is the most intense cooking competition we have seen in class. There's so much profanity and so much good cooking! Now that's my kind of show!


  1. Definitely agree with your assessment of Hell's Kitchen. I watched Hell's Kitchen regularly for a couple seasons and eventually I realized every episode was basically the same. Chef Ramsey cusses, there is an argument between a couple of the would-be chefs, and one person does really well during service will everyone else struggles. I definitely agree though, Chef Ramsey is a scary man.

  2. I really like the comparison you made between Hell's Kitchen and America's Next Top Model! Although it amuses me that a show about cooking featured just as much cattiness and drama as a show about several girls competing to becoming a top model.
