Thursday, October 29, 2009


Echinacea gets me through life without coughing, sneezing, and feeling achy. It's an all natural herb that boosts the human immune system. Throughout high school I would take echinacea regularly and would never get sick. However, when I came to college I stopped taking echinacea. It wasn't but two weeks in, I was sitting in health services feeling miserable. Now that I have recovered, I am taking echinacea every day. So far, I am yet to get sick again.
Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years. The Indians would use this herb for anything from head aches to fevers. Its been proven it tests to reduce the risk of catching sickness and also shortens the period of being sick. I highly recommend echinacea. You can purchase it an any drug store for pretty cheap.


  1. So its similar to Aloe Vera in that it is meant to heal us, but I don't think Echinacea could help anyone avoid getting sick within the first few weeks. Everyone's systems are off because they left home and are going through a great deal of stress and new experiences.

  2. I used to take Echinacea while I was sick (my mom is somewhat of a health nut), but never thought of taking it regularly--maybe I should to beat the flu.

  3. Don't get addicted! in other words, do not let this become psychological.

  4. Very informative, I had never heard about Echinacea before. It sounds like a good herb to try for the next time I get sick, since I'm known to get sick very often.

  5. This is my first exposure to Echinacea as well. It seems like a great herb. I've already gotten sick here and do not feel like going through that again, so this seems like a pretty good way to stay healthy.

  6. I've never heard about this herb before, but it sounds like it's worth a try. I have been fortunate enough to stay healthy this year so far, and I'll try anything to keep it that way.

  7. If what you claim about this herb is true then it might be worth a try. however, also believe much more affects how often and the extent someone gets sick. for example, not taking any medicine or herbs helps build the immune system over time so one gets sick less often and the extent of the sickness isn't as bad. also being sick is a mental thing, if you think you feel terrible you actually will feel bad, the same thing goes for feeling well

  8. I worked in a pharmacy when I was in high school so I find this very intriguing. I learned quite a bit about medicine, and yet I never heard anything about Echinacea.From what you described I can think of no drugs on the market that treat the range of symptons that you describe. But again, avoid addiction.
