Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Awesome Date Restaurant

I was out with an old friend last week (on a date, if you will), and he decided to look up some popular mexican restaurants. He knew mexican (and Italian) is my favorite kind of food. After picking me up, we headed to Los Bravos, a restaurant in Marietta, that he had read reviews on. The food was actually really good! And the inside of the restaurant was pretty cool, too. I recommend Los Bravos!


  1. I've been looking for a good Mexican restaurant up here! I love Mexican food too! It's my favorite. :) I will try it.

  2. Was it a Mexican and Italian restaurant, or just Mexican? If it is a Mexican and Italian restaurant, I think that is kind of sketchy.

  3. I really appreciate the fact that you chose to go looking out for a meican restaurant. I like mexican food too. Till date I had heard about Taco Bell being one of the best outlets serving mexican food. Thanks to you, now I have one more outlet to visit.

  4. Taco Bell is a cheap alternative for fast Mexican food, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near the level of Mexican restaurants. My father works near Atlanta and there is an amazing Mexican restaurant that my family sometimes goes to during his lunch break. The name escapes me right now, but If I have an epiphany I'll post the name.

  5. For clarification, it was just mexican, not mexican and italian. But it was super tasty.

    Josh- is it Laredo Nuevo Cantina? That place is the bomb! It's in Atlanta.

  6. I love mexican food. There was this mexican place in Florida near where i used to live, it's name was Azteca. It was tasty and the waiters were amazingly nice. I remember ordering a burrito with guacamole and beans on the side, it was delicious!

  7. Los Bravos is pretty awesome. My friends and I used to go there because there's one close to my high school.
    How'd you like their nachos? They seem so much bigger and tastier than the ones at other Mexican restaurants!

  8. Interesting. I love mexican food, but i've never heard of the place or even seen one, but the next time i do pass one by i won't pass up the chance to try it out!

  9. Mexican food is awesome. Where in Marrietta is the restaurant? I want to try it out sometime, it sounds interesting.
