Friday, August 21, 2009

Gluten Free Girl/Little Corner of Mine

Gluten Free Girl’s blog seeks to share the joys of food with a world that is full of instant rewards. The opening lines of her blog titled “sliced tomatoes (and smoked tomato salsa)” ask the reader to recall the feeling of winter—something which many of us can relate to in part, but fail to comprehend in full. She then contrasts the lack of color and scent to what her subject is—tomatoes which are in their best behavior around this time of year. Even the photographs are placed tactfully—a large photo of luscious orange tomatoes is placed directly after the statement “I wait all year for tomatoes,” causing the reader to feel the anticipation as he or she pauses momentarily from reading while gazing at the photograph which takes up the screen.

Continuing onward, she uses examples of the effects of tomatoes on those she has known to bring credibility to her argument—her approach to tomatoes is not just a personal phenomenon, but a trend among others as well. This statement makes the reader think, if subconsciously, that there might be something to this love of tomatoes!

Gluten Free Girl then provides a step of action to this thought by providing a recipe so that the reader, to, may experience that same joy of tasting fresh tomatoes. She even makes provisions for the reader who might not have all the tools needed to make it, and provides other methods to achieve a similar result with more common household goods.

There are many ways that she could have arranged her blog, including just posting her recipe, but instead she provided an introduction and got the readership curious about her subject before providing the means of sharing in her love of tomatoes.

Little Corner of Mine has a much less formal approach to cooking than Gluten Free Girl’s blog, instead providing a more diary based blog where she notes different approaches she used in creating various concoctions and how they affected the end result. It uses very informal language, even resorting to using online slang such as “*fume* ß me” to describe her reaction to her “hubby”’s reaction to a cantaloupe based drink. This blog would be a valuable resource to someone already interested in creating food similar to her tastes, as she is quite a regular blogger, usually posting every few days. However, someone stumbling across her blog uninterested in food would not be drawn into trying out her recipes as much as they would by Gluten Free Girl’s blog.

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