If anyone is looking for a nice thai restaurant for meals around 1o to 15 dollars, I would recommend Zen on Ten next to Smoothie King at the intersection of 10th Street and Northside Drive. There is a parking deck next to the restaurant with free parking, though the walk to Zen on Ten is only minutes away from the edge of the Georgia Tech Campus. Inside there are urban furniture and tables decorated with wine glasses and lit candles. The menu is simple, but the choices are many. After poring over the menu for a little, while I ordered the basil stir fried shrimp. Other choices include various thai noodles and rice, as well as slightly more expensive fish and steak dishes just to name a few. The stir fried shrimp was served on a uniquely shaped porcelain plate and included rice in a cute little stainless steel bowl. The service was excellent and very courteous. If you like thai food, you must check this place out!

Ah that looks so good! I really like thai food, and its hard to find good/inexpensive places. I definitely want to try this soon.