Of the many cookbooks out there, there is one that is more familiar to the American suburbanite house maker than any other. That's right, I mean of course The Joy of Cooking. First published in 1931 by a woman by the name of Irma S. Rombauer. It is the quintessential manual for homemakers world wide to teach the basic recipes of life. The book is a guide to traditional "American" cuisine and contains everything from apple pie to green bean casserole. This book has evolved over the years with new recipies being added as they come out and the originals being revised to fit the foods availabe in the modern era. But all in all it is the book that American stomachs are made of.
The second all to essential cookbook that any foodie should be in touch with is Mastering the Art of French Cooking by none other than "The French Chef" herself, Julia Child. The book is very self explanitory and takes into account how mindblowing the preperation of traditional French fair can be for the average person. It was published in 1961 and since than Americans have begone to embrace their inner love of dishes such of duck l'orange and cassoulet. In more recent years and interestingly on the topic of blogging, Julia Powell, author of the popular blog Julia to Julia has sembraced the book to the point of making every dish inside in the span of a year. This blog and Julia's origional cookbook has evern more recently been the inspiration for a film by the same name as the blog.
As for the pics, my thanks go out to
- ^ http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jy7SfNQZWSYFkwPOvgWSOapeOmjgD9A25E300 (Mastering the Art of French Cooking)
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