The first restaurant review website I visited was The site by itself is not a restaurant review site but contains links for restaurant reviews. It gave me an impression that it contains many links. At first I was underestimating the site because I thought it was just a general website about different categories other than food. Then when I clicked on the right link it took to a page which was filled with information about restaurants in Atlanta. The restaurants were also categorized according to the region of origin such as Chinese, India, etc. This site is very user friendly as it is easy to navigate. There various sources by which one could find restaurants. For example there is a map on the right hand side of the page which gives directions to the exact location of the restaurant which is currently being reviewed. The 5 most recent restaurants reviews are located first. Then there are the other links. There are links for restaurant reviews all over the page. So this might be a good place to look for restaurants. One thing that surprised me are the ratings. Most of the ratings are 4 stars or more out 5 stars. The rating is quite lenient. The visual aspect of the site was limited but there are pictures here and there. I thought that the heading for the site was small and a bit unattractive. But overall the site does well to stick to what matters most – restaurant reviews.
The second site I visited is . This is a more professional piece of work. The reviews are written by two people. Hilel is the professional eater and Dana is the up and coming professional chef. All the reviews are written by them. Unlike other sites this site contains the heading at the left of the page instead of the center. But that does not take away the beauty. Above the title is a picture of a piece of garlic. This adds to the visual content. The authors talk about various local and ethnic restaurants in different cities of the US. After each review they display some pictures of the restaurant and the food. I think that’s a huge plus point for this site. The pictures are not there just for the sake of it. They are breathtaking and again add to the visual content. The authors talk about methods in writing reviews and take a very analytical approach. The reviews tend to get boring until you reach the pictures. The left side contains several quotes and other food sites. The page contains links for several categories of restaurants and food. It also contains recipes. As you scroll down the page however, there is a lack of content on either side of the page. There is only the main text in the center. This website gives a detailed analysis of each restaurant and is very organize in its design and structure other than the empty sides as you scroll down.
The last site is . This is site is very unimpressive according to me maybe because it is a blog. It is very unorganized and the font style is ordinary. The site is extremely casual for my liking. This site is mainly for people who are just looking around and not really looking for a serious restaurant review. The reviews are really brief and the topics go beyond only restaurants. There are topics about chefs, food and other sites. The good aspect of this site is that it fills up the whole page and utilizes space very well. The title is nice and big but lacks creativity. There are various topics and issues regarding food on the left hand side of the page. It contains links to many other food websites. It is a place where people can post blogs and share their experiences. It is not exactly professional. The main negative point of this site is that it lacks a particular structure. Pictures and new topics pop up as you scroll down the page. The site also contains some irrelevant links and topics as you scroll down more. I think this site is mainly for casual readers.
I like you set up of this blog. I was just scrolling along the blog and this stood out to me. it is very neat with the links to each website. Also the three separate paragraphs give good description and are not to long.