So who is the ultimate foodie, I was once asked when describing my section of English. Well the answer is simple, Anthony Bourdain. He has written several books on his food driven wanderings, is a restaurateur in New York City and to top it off he has his own show on the travel channel about him being a foodie not bound by the worlds boarders. Well I plan to follow in his footsteps. Every week I plan to bring to you at least one culinary adventure... but because world travel is currently something that I cannot do, I'll use the metro Atlanta area.
Wanto to go on a culinary adventure with me?
Then feel free to comment.
Also, special thanks to http://swipelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/anthony-bourdain-no-reserva.jpg
I really like the idea, but my funds are limited so i probably wont be joining you on you adventures. However, i do forward to you stories; it seems like an interesting concept.