Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Impossible has Happened!!!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had heard rumors but I had immediately dismissed those stories as nonsense. What I was hearing couldn't be possible. But now it was undeniable; it was staring me in the face. I had managed to eat at the dining hall and not get a cheeseburger. I've been on campus since August fourteenth and according to my calculations I have eaten at the dining hall approxiamately thirty times.
Up to this point every time I went I always turned to "old faithful," a cheeseburger. However, tonight the impossible became possible. I managed to eat without having a cheeseburger. It was a horrible mistake. Now don't get this picture of me being an incredibly picky eater. I am in no way a picky eater. Its just that of the limited menu items available at Britian dining hall, a cheeseburger has always been the most appealing. That is until tonight. Tonight a cheeseburger just was not enough. There was only one food that could end my hunger, and the five pieces of pizza did just that.

(Disclaimer: This is just a practice post)

1 comment:

  1. Jacob...you've been living on cheeseburgers since August 14th?

    Somewhere out there, a dead food nutritionist is rolling over in his/her grave.
