Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Last night at the dining hall, with the encouragement of my friends, I had my first ice cream cone since being on campus. Just like Matt McAllester said, tasting that rich creamy vanilla flavor brought back memories of eating ice cream on a hot summer day outside in my backyard while watching my dad cut the grass. It made me think real hard about food since that was the topic in this course. So far, this course has allowed me to really appreciate the taste of food.
On another note, I noticed how Matt McAllester has a way of describing food as if it were right in front of me. He also has a way of capturing the reader because I never read books unless it's required, however this book made me want to find out more about McAllester's life. The author also mentioned Elizabeths Kubler-Ross's description of the five stages of grief (denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) which was something we went over in high school. Here is a link illustrating the five stages of grief:
I think McAllester goes through these stages as he is faced with his "mum's" death.

1 comment:

  1. :) That sounds like one good ice cream cone of vanilla ice cream.

    McAllester deserves props on his achievement in relating to his readers. I wonder if his ability to portray those emotions in his words would be (may be a stretch) similar to synesthesia but for words instead of people.
