I know this isn't relevant to anything, but I just have to say that the book is really interesting. McAllester just writes with a certain style that keeps the reader glued to the book with his intricate, detailed descriptions of what he does or feels about any matter of subject. Not only is it detailed, but he also adds an effect that almost seems as if he is telling you his life's story (even though I know he is) right in front of you, and each sentence and phrase is deals with something that is very dear to him. I definitely liked when McAllester tried to recreate his memory he had ,when he was younger, with his mother when they were creating recipes that dealt with strawberries. In the very beginning of that story, McAllester writes first about when he and his mother went to buy the strawberries. McAllester writes in a sense that allows the reader to visualize what he is talking about and see the close relationship he had with his mother. One of McAllester's most precious memories of his mother is her strawberry ice cream. Because McAllester desperately wants to taste it again, he tries to find the recipe in her cookbook and even Elizabeth David's cookbook, but with no avail. Eventually, he finds the recipe in a random article that he found. After he makes the ice cream and takes his first bite, memories filled with his mother's love just rushed back to him. Truly, this book is a very heart-moving book, and I hope for more to come. :]]
picture: http://www.donnabellas.com/image2/family/mommy-boy-blond.jpg

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