After being sick all week, I decided to go home for the weekend and sleep for a few days. My mom has never really been the “cooking type” so I wasn't necessarily craving some of my mother's cooking. In high school, we almost always ate out- I could probably name every restaurant in the North Metro area. We never ate at home.
My dad let me choose where we ate on Friday night, since I have been at college. Our favorite place had always been a Mexican restaurant called Monterrey- it is cheap, fast, and nearby- the perfect combination. I have actually been craving Mexican since I got here, and much to my dismay, neither my sorority house nor dining hall serve mexican food. Obviously, I chose Monterrey for my dinner with the parental units. The excitement had literally been growing inside me all day on Friday, because I could finally eat mexican food! On Friday night, we all went to Monterrey to eat and I inhaled my Nachos Supremos. I've never been so hungry in my entire life. It seemed as if I had been living in the Amazon or something; I was famished. My nachos at Monterrey were one of the best meals I have ever eaten.
I had missed Monterrey greatly; it actually reminded me of being home. I had missed eating with my parents and my sister. We had eaten there so often that it was the equivalent of most people's kitchen table. It was the perfect homecoming dinner!