Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Turkeyless Thanksgiving

I thought that I would never be stricken by homesickness, however now that I'm home during the jolly holiday of Thanksgving, I don't want to leave home. My Thanksgiving dinner was rather unique. We decided to not serve turkey. No way! No turkey in thanksgiving, yes, it's rather strange. However, the reason for this is that my sister is a Jehovah Witness, meaning she doesn't celebrate holidays including thanksgiving. We respect her wishes so instead of turkey my mom cooked her favorites, which include hot dogs, steak, sweet potatoes and chicken. She also cooked fish for her and my dad since my sister and I don't like at all. Even though it wasn't the traditional thanksgiving dinner I enjoyed it just as well. I love eating a nice homecooked meal and spending time with the people I missed and love. It gave me a warm feeling inside and I look forward to many more homecooked meals and many more thanksgivings together as a family.


  1. I'm more of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner kind of girl, but this post shows that Thanksgiving isn't just about what you eat. It's about spending time with loved ones and being grateful for the blessings in life. I'm glad you still had sweet potatoes though. I think their color adds thoughts of the fall season to the meal.

  2. I also am a fan of the traditional thanksgiving meal, but i agree that family is more important than the food.

  3. I agree, it's about the people you eat the meal with, not the edibles themselves. I'm actually not a big fan of tastes like chicken only the skin is tougher and it seems drier. But hot dogs for thanksgiving, nice.
