Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fast Food Thanksgiving & Fancy Fast Food

I subscribe to Wired's top stories via RSS (if you don't know what RSS is I highly suggest looking into Google Reader, but that's a blog post unto itself) and I came across an interesting article. It explains how to turn fast food into a Thanksgiving dinner. The topics discussed:
  • Make a corn dog look like a drumstick
  • Turn french fries into mashed potatoes
  • Turn cranberry juice and a strawberry jelly doughnut into cranberry sauce.
I looked a bit further, and it led me to It lists "fancy" recipes made entirely from fast food. I can see no practical use for this, but it is a neat website.


  1. Judging by the content matter, this website seems like a joke. I think the concept is really cool, though. I, however, don't understand the point of making fast food look like slow food if it's just going to taste the same.

  2. Wow, I'm pretty impressed at the transformation.

  3. Yeah I have never thought of it that way. Pretty cool website.

  4. Hey this website is great man. I will always make it a point to visit this website for latest updates and also recommend it to my friends. Thanks for the posting John.

  5. it actually looks really good, but the concept seems kinda discussing and just a waste of time
